As you have likely heard by now, Apple is preparing to release its newest and biggest macOS to date, Big Sur. Release is scheduled for Thursday, November 12. In this update, Apple has redesigned the Menu Bar so that is taller and more transparent; a new floating Dock lifts from the bottom of your display; full-height Sidebars that have an updated look to make it easier to find what you need; and a new Control and Notification Center. Additionally, updated security settings in Safari and new privacy options in the App Store have found their way in this major OS update.
With macOS Big Sur, software updates begin in the background and complete quicker than before. Optimized Battery Charging is also designed to reduce extended wear and tear on your battery and improve its lifespan by ensuring that Mac laptops are fully charged when unplugged.
We are excited to work with this new operating system, but we want to let a bit of time pass before putting it into production on your systems. Our advice is to wait to install this upgrade until we can test it and it becomes clearer as to what works, and what apps or setting might need to be adjusted to fit your workflow.
If you have any questions please reach out to us, your dedicated IT partner, and we will help during this OS transition.